Monday, August 9, 2010

Post number ONE!!

Everybody has a mountain to climb at some stage in their life.. apparently where I am going there is a whole range of them in the way. This blog will predominantly focus on our seemingly endless journey through the haze of infertility, probably with a few other bits and pieces thrown into the mix.

Our story; My wonderful hubby and I have been trying to conceive for over 4 ½ gruelling heart breaking years. We have had no luck other than ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages and since the last ectopic in early 2007 not a glimmer. At the moment we are on the national IVF list due for EPU (egg pick up) in Feb 2011, a list we have been on already for over a year. As time gets closer emotions run higher and due to the private and emotional nature of the beast there isn’t a huge amount of places to vent... so! My husband in all his wonderfulness and intelligence (i’ll probably deny those facts later) suggested I start a blog, even if no one reads it, just to put pen to paper so to speak and get it out there.

There are things that will probably be written on here that I don’t speak to even my closest friends about, so if you’re game enough to read it, then i’m game enough to write it.

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