I have managed to not think about this all day while at work (thanks to it being ridiculously busy) but when I sat down to do some study tonight I saw a friend had sent me a message saying she was thinking of me and all that jazz and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Don't get me wrong, I don't need a special day to remember my angels, but when I went on to another online forum to have a read and waded through the hundred odd messages to lost babies I did lose it a bit. I have my own days, granted, one of which for our wee angel who would have been three this December just happens to fall on the day after our wedding anniversary. But seeing all those people grieving their lost little ones just upset me to no end.
I apologize for the mushy gross emotions that seem to have leaked from somewhere, I cannot promise that such a thing will not happen again.. but I will turn the computer off and go to bed now, it seems to be the best idea
Arohanui to all my fellow parents of angels.
Thinking of you Lexa xox